Preventing vibrations from entering audio cables and disturbing the signal has become a popular tweak. Understandably, some cables are more microphonic than others, some surfaces will vibrate more than others, some cables are more susceptible to EMI/RFI interference, and some cable configurations and environments will be more prone than others. Still, all systems can benefit from CVP.
In addition, lifting cables away from the floor causes an electrostatic field to develop. Though the static charge is easy to measure electronically, it is difficult to measure how perceptual it is, and every situation will vary.
We do know that neither issue is good for the integrity of the signal. CVP EC (Electromagnetic Coupler) address both issues and can be applied to and benefit all cables, including AC cables. The CVP recommended hierarchy is; interconnects, speaker cables, power cables.
For cables NOT laying on the floor, CVP EI (Electromagnetic Isolator) is recommended. This CVP is housed in an EMI/RFI insulated jacket to isolate from other cables and/or power supplies. Use to isolated speaker and interconnect cables from power supplies, power and digital cables, and to isolate cables that run next to each other behind components, etc. CVP EI is both a vibration and electromagnetic isolator.
Maintain Signal
Prevent floor induced vibrations and electromagnetic field potentials from disturbing signal integrity.
Mechanical Vibration
The CVP core is a soft fiberglass mechanical vibration decoupler. Typical cable lifters elevate, yet still allow vibrations to be transmitted to the cable through the lifter itself. With CVP, the cable and the floor are mechanically decoupled.
The CVP EC jacket is an electrical field coupler. This housing prevents the electrostatic field from being generated when cables are elevated off the floor. With CVP, the cable and the floor are electrically coupled.
The CVP EI jacket is an EMI/RFI insulator. This prevents field coupling and is used to isolate cables from other cables and/or power supplies.
The CVP design addresses both the physical vibration issue (with layers of fiberglass that transform mechanical energy into heat energy as the fibers move against each other, just as EVPs do), and the electrical distortion issue (by incorporating an electrical coupling or insulating material as the fiberglass jacket).
The CVP EC is both a vibration decoupler and an electrical coupler. As can be observed in measurements, the static electrical charge is zero, as well the capacitance when the cable is in contact with the CVP, and the CVP is in contact with the floor. Upon raising the cable off of the CVP, the electrostatic units (Kv) and capacitance units (F) increases with distance (or at least the 4” used when measuring). By placing the cable on the CVP you have formed a mechanical vibration isolator and an electromagnetic coupler. The EI version eliminates electromagnetic interference from entering your cable from adjacent sources like power supplies or other signal cables.
Another design goal of the CVP was to make it work without the cable falling off the device and/or the device falling over, unlike most of the competition, which is situated precariously holding the cables, and also creates a tripping hazard. This is accomplished by incorporating a Velcro strap to go loosely around the cable and the CVP. Typically (depending on the stiffness and weight of the cable), one CVP EC should be applied every 2-3 feet to keep the cable from contact with the vibrating floor, or one CVP EI where cables cross another or are in close proximity with a power supply, etc.
We also wanted to make it affordable like the EVPs. As with all our products, there are measurements backing the claims, along with a 30 day money back guarantee if not satisfied.
"... cable risers don't really address the inherent problems faced by cables simply lying on floors, and especially don't do anything for vibrational and electromechanical issues. "

(click to read entire article)
AV RoomService CVP-ECs:
Cable Vibration Protection for a Lower Noise Floor
11-12-2019 | By Tom Gibbs | Issue 106
"I have spent many years attempting to improve how my speaker and power cables perform after noticing that I could get a temporary improvement by lifting cables off the floor and letting them rest down. This indicated EMI/RF and/or microphonic interference was impacting my cables. I have tried both proprietary and home-made cable risers and found limited improvement until I purchased and installed CVPs."

"Wow - the improvement is huge. The noise floor of the system has dropped markedly, as well as bass, microdynamics, image depth/width have all improved.
Don't be put off by the humble look of these CVPs... they are absolutely outstanding and come highly recommended if your looking to get the best out of your system."
2022 | By Andrew C. | Australia
EC Version Available in Four Colors and are 3.5"x5"x1"




EI Version Available in Two Sizes-3.5"x5"x1", and 2.5"x4"x1":
